Sunday, 22 January 2023

Bloody freezing

The garden outside is white with frost it's not thawed all day.

I'm sat under a blanket as it so cold

Steve is cooking breast of lamb, he bought a piece big enough to serve 8 but there is only the two of us.

He covers the potatoes with mixed herbs, less is not more when Steve is cooking. He can't manage roast potatoes so he does herb potatoes. 

He has decided not to eat any vegetables any more but will cook some for me. He wanted to take over all the cooking as he's decided that everything I cook is crap. But after a couple of weeks he lost interes, I think he realised it wasn't as easy as he thought.

My foot is very painful, probably self inflicted, I have a very bad habit of sitting on my feet so I've probably damaged them.


busybusybeejay said...

I bet you are glad you are not on the boat.Roll on Spring and some warmer weather.Barbarax

flis said...

I cooked for mine for 30 odd years- no complaints -then after he retired he decided the meals weren't edible -Now he eats his own chosen ready meals that look c**p -Are your feet warm enough -I find thermal socks are cosy x

ana s. said...

As I get older, my feet feel the cold so much more. I wear sheepskin slippers and now put on fuzzy socks for bed. I love my hot water bottle too and fill it from the kettle.

Marlane said...

My husband cooks lunch for the two of us every day. It is usually meat with no veg he does not eat veg. So I make a salad or cook a veg myself. That is the only meal we really sit down to eat we snack after lunch. We do not eat breakfast. I am happy not to cook anymore after a long career as a house wife.

Traveller said...

I bought a foot hot water bottle. Basically a covered hot water bottle with a pouch for your feet….wonderful thing

Sue said...

I now live next door to my husband so we both just cook for ourselves, it's saved our marriage ... and my sanity!!

Ellen D. said...

I like the suggestions for ways to warm your feet. I am lucky to share my home with my oldest son and he will eat anything I cook!

kate steeper said...

oh so familiar, other half despite us having a store cupboard brimming and no need to shop for weeks or not months decided the other day that he wanted kippers , something he said he never wanted again because they stink the house out because i cook them wrong . guess what i managed to get him...boil in the bag kippers , he will still moan

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...