Monday, 30 January 2023

Just like mother used to make!

My mother was slim, attractive and mostly disinterested in caring for me.  She lived on coffee, cigarettes and gin, the thought of providing regular meals was an alien concept to her. I was a skinny, undersized child with very little to recommend me.

When I left home I learned to cook, my children were well fed as was any person passing through my home.

Steve's mum married very young and started a family almost immediately. She was a loving mother but an appalling cook. But she battled on, I always think of Wendy Craig in Butterflies, trying to feed her family and serving up cold or burnt food.

Some time ago now Steve announced that he would no longer eat what I cooked for him. He didn't like what I cooked and thought he could do better. He wanted to cook and choose all his own food. I think my joyful acceptance of this decision surprised him.

Not long after this, I became ill and I was hospitalised. Steve went ahead with his plan but was forced into providing food for me as I wasn't well enough to shop and cook for myself. Eventually I was able to manage and Steve went back to his original plan. He was somewhat stumped by his inability to cook,  after all, how difficult could it be! After a few weeks he decided that I should be allowed to cook some meals that he felt were too complicated, as in anything that didn't go from packet to air fryer to plate.

He has been trying to master cooking a roast dinner. He was really delighted with yesterday's attempt. It was almost identicaI to his mother's roast dinner! The meat was cooked through and very difficult to slice  so I only had two small pieces. He'd cooked a cauliflower floret and some sprouts just for me, he no longer eats veg, they were beige and soft. His roast potatoes were  smothered with mixed herbs to disguise their lack of colour. The gravy was thin and barely brown. I know I shouldn't be ungrateful but I found it difficult to eat a reasonable amount. Steve enjoyed it all and announced he thought he'd finally mastered cooking a decent roast! 

I need to find an acceptable excuse for not eating Sunday dinner but heaven knows how.


ShellyC said...

At least Steve has a go at cooking, although I do know what you mean about avoiding under/over cooked food.
You'll just have to have a 'large' breakfast sometimes. I developed a taste for frozen vegetables and roasts.
My MIL wasn't a brilliant cook but was a lovely lady. First meal at their house was crispy pizza, green beans and mashed potato.

spookyjdriver said...

Sue, you are a bit like me. You don’t need an excuse to not eat his Sunday dinner. Just say you prefer to stick to original plan and each buy and cook their own. I’m sorry things are so difficult with Steve now. How illness changes people.

flisnǹǹ said...

I would say - Though his meal was delicious you will continue to cook the because you need to keep your fingers agile as they seize up if not using - But as he is so very capable whenever you are under the weather it's nice to know you can rely on him x

Joan said...

My husband is more or less the same. He has to do the cooking now as I can't manage it, but he has no interest in it. At first I would tell him what to do and how to do it, not happy with that he goes on the internet for their advice, consequently we end up with meals that are under-done and inedible. I must say he does a good roast dinner, it's all the other meals that are a problem.

Chris said...

Having no one to cook for me I would gladly eat anything someone else cooked - as long as it was edible! I'm not too fussy.

Beth Waltz said...

There is much to be said for things on toast. Breakfast in all its varieties was the extent my dad's culinary efforts when mum fell ill. * No, I lie. He also opened tins of tomato soup to be consumed with cheese between toast. * His main goal was to "dirty" only one skillet and the toaster. He served meals on paper plates for the duration.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending creative vibes your way!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...