Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Prescriptions by post.

I've just ordered mine and Steve's prescriptions by post, it will save hiking to the pharmacy to collect them. I really hope they work out ok, I will get such an earbashing if they don't!

It's got to be easier than trying to catch numerous buses to collect them. Mind you setting up the orders has taken me four days and it wasn't all my fault.  Steve cannot understand what I've done and keeps panicking and yelling at me!

Hey ho if it works it will be good.

Mrs G, I will look into that software, so far I've only found it for phones and I use a tablet.

Chinadogs,  I'm hoping to find a neighbour who would walk with me occasionally, it would do Steve good to walk more but he is currently enjoying his post Christmas sulk.

Joan, I will look in to Sense and see what they can offer, thank you.

Flis, you have all my sympathy, it's not easy is it.


flis said...

Though a wet day I think it's good to go for a walk while he can as sitting isn't good for me either- I was 20 minutes late- and oh dear What a fuss- Then same thing as yesterday-"I don't want to be here"- etc - and "I've things to do like sorting out my bed"!!-Back at home he just sat by the fire moaning-When I reminded him that he'd wanted "to sort"the bed -so I could sweep up - he then said "I dont want to now"! x

ShellyC said...

We have both had our drugs/prescription renewed by post for a couple of years. Good idea if when you have four weeks of drugs left, to order the next lot. Just in case of delays. So far so good.
Hope it goes ok for you

Traveller said...

Have had prescription vial mail for the past five years or so - brilliant

Fat Dormouse said...

Wishing you well for the new year.

Beth Waltz said...

Have ordered prescriptions by mail for years without a problem and now use an online shopping service for bulky grocery orders (cat box litter). A friend with limited sight subscribes to "Meals on Wheels" which delivers a hot meal and a sandwich for eligible seniors and the disabled. Another friend has a foul-weather dog walking arrangement with a neighbor's child who likes the pocket money. You're a resourceful woman, Hester: there's no doubt you'll soon suss out solutions to all these challenges!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...