Sunday, 1 January 2023

Sporadic posts

New year, new blog post.

Another year and  as usual some people are starting the the new year with a financial challenge. Counting up their money and money off coupons and seeing how long they can make 11 shillings and sixpence  last. Some of the challenges are interesting but some are just a litany of unlikely boasts.

Each to their own, I shan't be doing this, I shan't make any New Year resolutions either. I shall keep plodding on. My blogging is sporadic, some times I struggle with Steve's behaviour. He thinks he is behaving normally but he isn't. He is very unreasonable. I also struggle with my sight as it is failing and some things are difficult. I have very bad double vision, I have glasses issued by the hospital that sometimes help but not always. On days where it's very bad, walking Beano is to risk life and limb. Sometimes Steve will walk with me but not always and not at all currently as he hates Christmas and sulks for weeks.

We are having a lot of rainy days at the moment and Steve and Beano both hate the rain.

Steve met his friend Bob in Reading y'day and came home drunk as a skunk and irritable to boot, mind you, irritable is his default setting. I may try and persuade him to come to some of the afternoon meetings in the summer house. I feel his determination to hate the flat and everyone in them has meant he is unhappy and isolated. I know how he feels as I found the isolation of living on the boat very difficult to deal with.

My eyesight is also the reason my posts are sporadic, sometimes I know what I want to post about, but after typing the same four lines numerous times and only managing garbage, I give up and  don't bother to post at all.


thelma said...

But it is good to know that you are there, in your own world. Blessings for the New Year.

Mrs G said...

Hi Hester - have you considered speech to text software? - you could say your words and it types them for you. Microsoft and Google both do free versions x

Rambler said...

I hope 2023 will be a happier year for you and that you'll find it easier to access the help you need to improve your life. Specsavers can come to your home to do eye examinations if you are unable to go to their shop; maybe that would be a plan to obtain some glasses that actually help your vision.
- Rosemary x

Col said...

I would be prepared to put up with Steve's behaviour that we know is due to his stroke, as hard as it is. His grizzly behaviour is not his fault.
However, if he came home as drunk as a skunk, he'd get a very frosty reception. I just will not tolerate drunkenness, in anyone!!!
I know it's easiest for you to just ignore him at times, but please, don't accept him drinking to excess and being horrible to you. That's just a step (bloody great big leap) too far in my world!
I'm not teetotal by any means, nor is my husband, and we have an astonishingly well stocked 'booze cupboard', but we just tend not to drink alcohol! I like a glass of good Champagne, but loathe Prosecco, and I am something of an Irish Whiskey Aficionado, but hate Scotch!
I like your idea of making Steve attend the afternoon summer house sessions, it will give him something else to think about, other than just himself! It'll probably also give him something else to whinge about, but hey, a change is as good as a rest. Meeting new people and joining in conversations may even make him tired, giving you a peaceful hour or so if he then nods off at home!
I wish you everything that you wish for yourself for this New Year! A miracle cure for Steve would be amazing, but we all know the likelihood of that is nigh on impossible, so all I can do is send strength, hugs, and a portion of my own bloody mindedness for you to use!
Take care,
Col X

flis said...

Happy New Year- I wonder if one of your neighbours may enjoy walking with you and Beano - could it make things easier-My beloved is not good at the moment-tantrums in public "I don't want to be here"-Even though earlier quite happy about the arrangements -" I want to go home"- he is 72 for goodness sake -I spoke to a lady-dog walking today who appears to be having the similar problems with hers -Seems we are not alone x

Joan (Devon) said...

Hallo Sue, It is hard having to cope with eyesight and hearing problems without Steve making life dfficult as well. Have you heard of a charity called Sense? It is a charity I support for blind/deaf mainly children, but they do help older children and adults too. Maybe they can help in some way. Hope so.

Catriona said...

Happy 2023 and it’s good that you are settled in your flat. Maybe you should keep the afternoon summerhouse meetings as something you do for yourself and that way you get a break from each other. Is there a Men’s Shed nearby that Steve could attend? They are great for giving men time in each other’s company without alcohol being involved. Take care of yourself and post when your eyesight allows. Catriona

Ellen D. said...

I am always glad when you can post and let us know what is going on with you. It is great that you are in a nice flat and are meeting neighbors to visit with. I hope you can find more solutions for your eye and ear troubles. Wishing you patience, good health, peace, joy, laughter and friendship in 2023!

Bea said...

Wishing a blessed new year for you and your family x

Ruta M. said...

Sending you warmest wishes for the coming year. I so admire the way you seem to put up with all that life has thrown at you. You have achieved so much in moving to your new home and it sounds like there are plenty of opportunities to meet other people and make friends. Friendship is so important especailly as we get older.

chinadogs said...

Is there a dog walking charity in your area? I'm not suggesting that someone takes Beano alone but maybe someone could walk with you and Beano to give you more confidence in getting around safely

Sue said...

Yes it would seem that everyone has a low spend/no spend challenge going on this year.

I'm all challenged out now, so I'm simply seeing how long the money I made selling stuff last year will last for housekeeping money this year. When the pot is dry it's dry and I'll be back to normal again ... whatever normal actually is!!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...