Sunday, 8 January 2023

Lunch out with friends

Our boating friends, Clive and Wendy visited today with Daisy the dog.

We went to a nearby pub for lunch, Clive and I had roast turkey, Steve and Wendy had the triple roast, turkey, beef and pork. Both these meals were served with lots of veg, a large Yorkshire pudding and gravy. We all managed a pudding too, Wendy and I had creme brulee, Steve had a brownie and Clive had fruit crumble. We came home for coffee and more chat, Steve has been quite cheerful all day. 

I'm sure if he would socialise more he would be in a better frame of mind but he does love a good sulk.

Rambler, yes Steve is on anti depressants heaven knows what he'd be like otherwise.


Ellen D. said...

I glad you had a nice lunch out with friends. You deserve to live a happy, normal life, Hester. Everyone does!

Marlane said...

It looks like things have turned around for the better for the moment anyway.

flis said...

That sounds wonderful-I hope you enjoy many more days so enjoyable x

Catriona said...

How lovely that your lunch out with friends went well. You deserved a treat.

Rambler said...

The meal out with friends sounds wonderful, enjoyed by all. So would the same meal, cooked by you, still make Steve angry?
I'm glad Steve is on ADs; is he taking them every day or does he 'forget' them?
He's a mystery!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...