Friday, 13 January 2023

Steve has gout.

Not for the first time, he seems to get it once a year. I know it's painful, I had it once myself.

To ensure that we don't bump Steve's foot, Beano and I are squished onto the very edge of the bed during the night.

Hopefully his prescription will arrive today, I went y'day to buy the specific painkillers he takes, there is only one sort he will take, they can only be purchased from a pharmacy and he never thinks to stock up, or keep some in the first aid box. 

Since we've been here he hasn't wanted me to catch a bus as my bus pass hasn't arrived yet. But the amount of pain he was in changed his mind. The busses are every 15 minutes and the service seems to arrive on time.

Unfortunately there were 17 people in front of me in the queue at the pharmacy, so I had a long wait!

It was raining quite hard when I left the shop but I didn't have long to wait for the bus home. Today I'm going to the Aldi at the top of the road so no bus needed. I'd asked Steve if he wanted anything else before I left b'day but it wasn't until I returned home that he though of something he needed.


Moira said...

Hi as you don’t drive have you got a trolly for your shopping. We had a motorhome and U walked to the supermarket the trolly was a god send

Joan said...

Steve must be in a lot of pain making his mood worse. My husband had Gout quite a few years ago and managed to get rid of it and hasn't had it since, touch wood. He tells me that Gout is caused by too much Uric acid in the body which crystalizes in the joints. He took Montmorency Cherry 2400mg pills and Allopurinol tablets help as well. It may be worth Steve trying these pills. Good luck!

Debby said...

One of our tenants gets gout so very often. It sounds awful.

Ellen D. said...

Too bad about the gout, hope he gets relief soon. It is good you have an Aldi close to your flat so you can easily shop there. I have heard good things about Aldi, altho, I haven't shopped there much as I have another store closer.

Witch Hazel said...

Gout is horrendous, my poor DH is prone to it. He's on medication to prevent it now. It's very frustrating that Steve doesn't make sure he has some medication on standby, does he think each time that it won't happen again? It's such a debilitating condition, I'd always have a few days supply ready.
The bus service sounds great, I hope you can make full use of it when your bus pass finally arrives.

kate steeper said...

heres a weird one my ex many moons ago used to get gout in his ears , he was on tablets for life

pat chester said...

I suffer with gout and now take Allopurinol tablets but when you start taking them they can cause gout initially. I have been taking them for a year now and have had some bad attacks but seem to be improving. Strangely I have had gout in my right index finger and my right hip - but it does occur at any joint. Hope he gets better soon.

flis said...

Some years ago mine refused to go to a party-I thought he was being difficult-as no mention of any ailments earlier-I went to party-on my return he said "call for an ambulance"-2 men carried him away to hospital-Next day I called hospital and informed they may operate-I asked where? and asked was it on his head thinking he'd had a stroke - she laughed and said "no-He had psuedo gout"-They did not operate though and he recoverd next day!x

Marlane said...

This blog is one long tale of woe LOL

Anonymous said...

Eat large amounts of cherries (fresh is best but frozen if fresh is not available) plus drinking PURE cherry juice (containing no sugar) at first sign of of a gout attack until you can get started on meds and continuing until pain subsides. My daughter always keeps frozen cherries & juice on hand as her husband is prone to gout flare ups.

Sally said...

It's things like this that make twin beds a God send as you get older.

Col said...

Your comment was a tad rude!
Nobody's holding a gun to your head forcing you to read the 'tale of woe'!
Do you perhaps think placing LOL after such a rude comment makes it all okay? It doesn't!

Beth Waltz said...

Heartily recommend the Allopurinol unless contraindicated by Steve's GP. Relative was totally disabled by bouts of gout until this was added to the daily round of medications. (Apparently it does become a lifetime Rx as a preventive measure.)

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs and good vibes as I'm catching up. At least your location is a better place.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...