Monday 24 June 2024

I know.

I know he loves me and I love him.

But it's 27 deg here.

Does Beano really need to sleep pressed up against my leg!


Sooze said...

Betty does the same with me, and she's a big heffalump! Sooze

Chris said...

You'll be glad to have the reliable heat source once the weather turns colder, I'm sure.

Jaccs said...

Oh the gorgeous Beano, you can’t refuse his cuddles , he is your darling boy!

Laura said...

That seems so cool to me. It's supposed to be 98 (36.66) here tomorrow in North Carolina!

Comments and waffle

Thank you for all your comments. Mean Queen, we saw David from Cruising the Cut a few times when we were on the boat. Unknown, Steve doesn&#...