Monday, 9 December 2024

Chicken casserole.

Yesterday's lamb was very nice and went down well. Even Steve was forced to admit I cooked a good roast that was better than his attempts.

Today I'm making chicken casserole in my slow cooker, like most of my meals it will be heavy on veg and light on meat. I also added some pre - soaked soup mix, split peas and pearl barley etc.

I've not added potatoes as I'm making mash as a side dish along with cabbage.

Steve's gone into town to meet his brother and hopefully to get his phone sorted. He only upgraded because a neighbour has upgraded his phone. Steve will eat at a pub but I have made a few sausage rolls for him to pick at when he gets home.

I've applied to the local food pantry and been accepted, I can go next week. They are only open from 4 - 5:30 so I'll wander along one day in daylight to check where I'm going.


Sue said...

Oh gosh, it sounds like you are at last converting Steve to some good food, fingers crossed in continues.

Sooze said...

So Steve admitted you make a better roast than he does....did he say it through gritted teeth?! Well, at least he said it. Perhaps he was hoping for some more good food, rather than him ruining it.

Meanqueen said...

Keep going with the veg. On my plate tonight, Brussels Sprouts, cauliflower, carrots, and broccoli, with a cheese and onion dip.


Beano gets more walks in the summer than in the winter. It's not the weather, we neither of us mind the cold. It's the shortness of ...