Friday, 5 September 2014

Quilt, the first steps

This is the quilt so far using a striped shirt.
Cut the front of the shirt into strips from hem to shoulder.

Cut the back of the shirt across from side to side.

Sew the strips together in twos

Then press them and cut them so you have two squares sewn together.

Turn them & sew them like this so you have four squares sewn into a block.
Next I'm adding a border to each block, I'll post pics when I've done it.


Unknown said...

I love some scrappy quilting x

Anonymous said...

I am just finishing a "gifted and thrifted" quilt for a prizedraw. I stupidly decided to handquilt it as my machine has seen better days. Thank goodness it's nearly finished as I have corns on my thumb and middle finger! It's made from shirting and sheeting and bits and pieces. I hope the winner likes it as it has ended up being 72x72-I do it every time! Catriona

Pam said...

Scrappy is best, I have a case of shirts waiting to be deconstructed, it will be next year I think.


Beano gets more walks in the summer than in the winter. It's not the weather, we neither of us mind the cold. It's the shortness of ...