Saturday, 27 September 2014

Who's mad, them or me?

A colleague of my L&M has been bewailing his family's lack of money, they've had to borrow from the inlaws as they didn't have enough food to eat, 2 days earlier they had spent £180 on a pair of trainers for him & £80 on make up for her. These purchases were defended on the grounds that he couldn't be seen in cheap trainers as people would laugh & her makeup will last a month. 
I went to the butchers today & spent £60 on meat, I'm expecting it to last a lot longer than a month, we won't be borrowing money from anyone & we will be able to eat this month.
I bought pork chops, neck of lamb to make a casserole, lamb shanks to do a Sunday roast, minced beef, a piece of gammon & a turkey crown & some peppered steak.
We have just taken down the sweet corn, most of the cobs are for our son in law, but I will make some corn chowder out of the poorest cobs.
My L&M has been on lates for almost 3 weeks now & I've been living on egg on toast & beans on toast, so we are having steak & HM wedges with mushrooms & onion for tea, I'm really looking forward to it.


Frugal in Derbyshire said...

I know so many people like this. I know people that must have holidays in exotic places, wardrobes full of shoes and all the latest gadgets for themselves and their darling offspring and yet owe thousands on credit cards and loans. It would e laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

Unknown said...

I know people like that too. We put money away every month and don't spend it just because we have it

Attila said...

£20 a week on make up??????????????????
And don't even get me started on the trainers.

Hard up Hester said...

I know I can't talk as I don't wear make up, but I can't see that she looks £80 better than me, lol.

Eeek said...

Simple. We know the answer. One of the wives I have the misfortune to interact with from time to time, a housewife complained that they had not been able to afford a holiday for five years.

Given her husbands salary and low rent I queried this. Not even a few days at the seaside on the cheap?? Cheap camping holiday? Doesn't have to be abroad. What do you spend your money on? It's all about management.

Values are all to cock for some people and then they complain and whine. Meh my patience wears thin.

cumbrian said...

Never ceases to amaze me what priorities some people have.

"Fur coat and no knickers"

jill said...

Cumbrian, I laughed out loud at that expression! Thank you..

Linda Metcalf said...

Priorities??? Many today can't rub two coins together by the end of the month. What a waste....

Anonymous said...

How old are these people? My grandchildren have more sense than them. It seems to be that the ones who can least afford to spend the most. What a pretentious world we live in.
On the nail Cumbrian.X

DragonflyDreams said...

We now seem to have two groups of people with money issues. Those on low wages whose money simply won't stretch to pay the bills and a second group who are simply unable to manage their finances. We have a skewed sense of what is a necessity in life. Mobile phones, computers, holidays, trainers, make up etc are certainly not.

kelley said...

good Lord it's like a young lady I work with...always broke and behind on bills but getting a take out steak dinner a few times a week...saying she deserves it...


Beano gets more walks in the summer than in the winter. It's not the weather, we neither of us mind the cold. It's the shortness of ...