Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Bloody cold this morning

Ye gods what a shock this morning, only 2 degrees, brr.
I need to find my scarf & gloves & dig out my winter coat.

I received two letters yesterday, one of them is advising me that I'm on the waiting list for treatment for my eye but no idea of timescale. The other letter was to say that I will be getting the lump sum from my state pension that I deferred for a year. £5000 to be paid off the mortgage & I'm treating myself to some new saucepans & some winter boots with the rest.

We've had a new heating system installed at work, of course it doesn't work, 11 years I've worked there, the heating's never worked properly.

I cooked omelette's for tea tonight, ham & mushroom for my L&M, cheese & tomato for me, I made mine big enough to do for my lunch tomorrow too.

I've managed to finished a green & white baby blanket, I'll try to take pics at the weekend when the light is better. I'm starting another one tomorrow, I just need to decide on the next colour scheme.

My L&M went to have his foot surgery checked today, all is well, no problems & he can return to work on Thursday.

On Friday I should be getting some test results through, but if the Dr wants to see me to discuss the results then I probably won't find out until Monday or Tuesday.

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Being careful.

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