Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Dr's appointment yesterday morning, more results, more questions than answers. My haemoglobin  is fine so whatever is growing in my colon isn't likely to be cancer.
Unfortunately my potassium levels have plummeted again, I could have a heart attack if it drops too low, this is why they had me on a potassium drip last summer when I was in hospital.
For now I'm eating bananas, salmon, spinach & any other food high in potassium.
The strange thing is that the usual causes of of potassium deficiency are anorexia, bulimia, long periods of diarrhea  or vomiting & malnutrition, as I am suffering from none of these, heaven knows what is causing the lack of potassium.
On the up side, I now know what is causing the weakness, exhaustion, muscle & joint pain, I can rest until the changes in my diet hopefully take effect instead of think I'm just a lazy slob!


Anonymous said...

ı had all these kınd of symptoms--loads of tests at the hospıtal and ın the end was dıagnosed wıth fıbromyalgıa!

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - Fibromyalgia for me too - diagnosed by my rheumatologist - have they sent you to see one of them as yet?
Good luck - at least they are still trying to narrow it down.
Take care.

Hard up Hester said...

No suggestion of Fibromyalga, just the potassium deficiency.

Anonymous said...

have you had your thyroid levels done

Anonymous said...

Husband suffers fron low potassium levels too. He has to eat the same things you have been told although the bananas are sometimes a problem for his diabetes. Glad the results were not as gou feared. Rest as much as you can especially now when the days are so short. Hope your appraisal went ok. Catriona

jill said...

So sorry that you are having to play Hunt the Diagnosis. ..nothing is more frustrating and exhausting.
At least the increased potassium should help with your legs becoming swollen.
I am not familiar with how your health system works, but are you able to request an appointment with a kidney specialist?
Feel better...

Sarah Head said...

Sorry about your low potassium. Mine plummeted whilst I was recently in hospital with gallstones and they gave me some obnoxious tablets to take in water. If you're looking for free potassium rich plants don't forget dandelions both leaf and roots which are quite sweet if you harvest them now. Recipe for a nice bitter is on my blog plus some articles about the plant itself.

Anonymous said...

ıve been a lot better sınce usıng herbal tea--ı buy a bunch of drıed sage and make sage and lemon tea wıth a few sprıgs.Ialso buy gınseng root or power.Boıl a couple of bıts of the root ın a pınt of water and drınk as a tea.The bıts of root can be boıle a few tımes to get all the goodness out.You can also make korean longevıty soup wıth gınseng and chıcken and ıt really oes help you feel more lıvely and well.hope you feel better soon.

hilary.robbinshill said...

Some tablets can use potassium deficiency so worth checking on that.

hilary.robbinshill said...

Sorry meant use potassium so can cause deficiency. That makes more sense. Tablets to lower blood pressure for one I think.

Being careful.

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