Saturday, 1 November 2014

Nibbling away at the mortgage

In 2012 we bought a new three piece, we had the money saved up to buy it but it was offered on interest free credit, so we paid the savings into the mortgage account & paid for the three piece monthly. We've just paid the last payment so we've started a Standing Order for the same amount to be paid towards the mortgage. This is on top of another standing order we pay monthly towards the mortgage. We have tried to increase the mortgage payments themselves but the mortgage company like to make this as difficult as possible. 
I earned £60 dog sitting this week & I'm just waiting for another payment of £150 for my old car & one of £25, payment for Henry vacuum cleaner  to hit the bank account & then another £235 will also be paid off the mortgage. Sometimes we can go months with no extra apart form the standing orders coming off the total, other times like this month we seem to have lots extra.


lynda said...

My husband built our house over 40 years ago, and we have never moved. It is so nice to have it fully paid for, although the yearly tax we pay on it is more than the mortgage was... Good luck in your effort! It is the little things that count!

kelley said...

Well done...

Heleng said...

Like you we're overpaying each month on our mortgage. We overpay our direct debit by the fixed amount of £70 and also have a standing order to pay even more. I like the standing order as I can vary the amount according to any excess income we have. We have about 9 years remaining on our mortgage but are hoping to have it paid off in 3.

Hard up Hester said...

Kelley, thank you.
Lynda, ouch to the tax.
Helen, we started out with a 25 year mortgage 13 years ago, we've reduced it to 7 years now.

lynda said...

Our mortgage was $274 a month when we had one....I now have to save $800 a month just to pay the taxes....on a pension....

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...