Tuesday, 11 November 2014

How Much

Yesterday morning I ran out of tea bags , I had 2 packets in the cupboard & thought they were one each of decaf & ordinary, but when I checked there was no decaf. So on the way home after work I stopped at the local Tesco Express to buy some I wandered past the reduced section, this is usually empty as this Tesco's is only the size of a corner shop. To my amazement there was a chicken in there reduced to £1. I didn't need or want a chicken but I bought it anyway & rejigged the menu plan.
Instead of pork chops I did roast chicken with potatoes & veg, the pork chops will be eaten later in the week. We had chicken sandwiches for lunch today, I'm making chicken  & mushroom pasta bake tomorrow & I'm boiling the the carcase to make soup for the rest of this weeks lunches! 


Heleng said...

What a great bargain. I'm just like you and stretch a chicken to as many meals as possible.

Carol said...

Fantastic bargain. But what about your tea bags?

Sol said...


jill said...

Quite a find!
Did you have the professional oven cleaning done while you were off work?
Did you like the results?

Linda Metcalf said...

What a bargain ! So many meals for $1 !!!

inquisitive1ady said...

It really is "how's your luck", got a medium cooked chicken last night for £1.99 and like you rejigged the week's menu :-)


rabbitquilter said...

It would have tasted so much better because it was a bargin!!! Did you remember the teabags though?!!!

Hard up Hester said...

Yes I did remember the tea bags too, & that is quite an achievement for me!

Jill, yes I did have my cooker cleaned & it looks great now & no longer smokes when I turn the heat up high.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...