Saturday, 7 February 2015

Grandchildren, new sewing machine, food

I have bought a new sewing machine, it does lots of stitches including the alphabet, it will quilt & it came with 5 pairs of scissors, 20 reels of thread, needles and lots of feet. I got a really good deal for the the price and I'm really pleased with it, I've had a play with it but not done anything much with it so far. Hopefully I'll have more time next week.

We had DGD Norah who is 7, to stay Friday night, we played some games & then she went to bed. This morning we made an Olaf toy, played with my new sewing machine & made a batch of cakes. When I took her home around 1ish DGD Eileen who is 4 said to me 'Next time you are picking up?' I replied 'You, I'm picking you up next weekend', she clapped her hands with glee. It was her turn this weekend but on Friday her mum phoned me to say 'Eileen won't be able to come over this evening, she's just redecorated the bedroom with her stomach contents', Poor little scrap was really unwell but seems better now.

At 3 o'clock DD phoned to say that she'd been offered work this evening but that she'd got tickets for the local pantomime. Her husband could take the children to see the show, but he couldn't take Suzie as she is only a few months old. So I offered to have her for a few hours so DD didn't have to miss work & the children didn't have to miss the show. Suzie was full of smiles and squeals for about half an hour and then she fell asleep and stayed asleep until she went home.

Hubby has some friends over tonight, a stag night for one of his colleagues. I'm staying upstairs with my laptop and Kindle. Earlier I cooked some marinated chicken wings, made pigs in blanket, some garlic bread. I bought a selection cheese, some crackers, crisps and I made some salsa, cheap and simple but very tasty. I chopped up a small onion and a pack of tomatoes very finely, I added some lemon juice, dried chili and a sprinkle of dried basil.


Linda Metcalf said...

The new sewing machine sounds wonderful! So you will be sewing away?

Hard up Hester said...

Probably not until Tuesday as I'm tired today & have an appointment after work on Monday.

Is it just me or....? said...

I've been looking for a new sewing machine and one that will do Alphabet! I would love to know which one you bought?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am on the lookout for a new machine and would love to know which one you bought too! Jackie

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...