Monday, 16 February 2015

Thinking cap on

I've just been asked if I can make some stuff for DGC's summer fete in May.
It needs to be things I can sew as there are already two knitters and a crocheter making things for the stall.
So far I've thought of lavender bags, hop pillows and pin cushions, I'll post pics of things as I make them.


mendingmakingcrafting said...

Perhaps some lengths of bunting? Made from pillow cases, duvet covers, shirts etc from charity shops. You could colour theme it, if you find floral fabric some could have a 'vintage' look, you could make your own bias from sheets, shirts etc so costs would be minimal but they could sell for quite a lot?

Patti said...

What about sleep masks?

helen said...

what about iPad / iPhone /kindle stand support cushions? they are humbug shaped.

Anonymous said...

Tissue covers went well at the last craft event I helped at and very easy to make. Also bags from material (see Mean Queen's blog). Good luck with whatever you decide. Catriona

Linda Metcalf said...

All these ideas sound good especially the bunting and lavender bags! So much fun when doing it for the kiddos benefit!

Anonymous said...

I was going to suggest the tissue holders as well Hester. I made them for the Hospice shop and I am told they sold really well, and they are so easy to make. You will find it on You Tube Mariex

Anonymous said...

What would you buy ? I don't see lavender bags as a good seller. Bunting with a theme, girls, baby boys. People like reuseable shopping bags, especially if they are nicely made. What about little bags for kids..........."borrow" some of the grandkids small toys to "model" the bags ; )

saraband said...

How about heat pads filled with rice (that can be heated up in a microwave)?

Jill said...

When I've had to bring donations to these events I have had good luck with catnip mousies made from quilt scraps stuffed with bits of batting and scraps of yarn for tails and homemade doggie biscuits in baggies tied with yarn or ribbon.
They always go sell quickly and are very I expensive to produce.

Anonymous said...

how about tooth fairy pillows? It is a very small pillow for kids to place their lost tooth for the fairy to find and leave a surprise.
Barb USA

Hard up Hester said...

Thank for all the suggestions, I have catnip & hops so will make some mice & hop pillows, and tissue covers. I need to see what fabric I have.

Being careful.

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