Sunday, 8 November 2015


Well after yesterday's visit when we thought MIL was unlikely to make it through the night, today we visited & she's sat up in bed eating porridge!

FIL arrived whilst we were there, brought in by another family member, he was very tearful and worried, he has been told by BIL2 yet again that no visitors are allowed apart from BIL2 and his wife.

He has also been yelled at by BIL2 and blamed because the rest of us are still visiting.

So Monday when we visit I will be having words with the hospice team. They have been very good and insisted that BIL2 & wife leave the room when anyone else arrives, but I'm not having FIL bullied in this way. If all else fails I will involve the police.


Sheila said...

What a horrible time for you.
Stay strong-x-

Frugal in Derbyshire said...

Good for you! He is SO outside his POA remit!
This is abuse and Adult Protection measures could be called for. I'm sure that the mention of the Authorities will put this bully in his place.
As Shiela says "Stay strong" and enlist as much help as you can to support you.

markdebby said...

Good for you. Don't let the bully win

Anonymous said...

Not before time!

sue R said...

Reading your blog takes me back to June when my dear niece was in the hospice and we were all told to come and say our goodbyes and in the middle of everyone being there she sat up and said "what the bloody hell are you all doing here ? " This was after being asleep for more than three days. Sadly she died a week later at the tender age of 40 but I will never forget that moment. We had also the same problem with one of our members of family but the hospice were very good. I wish you well and hope you get things sorted

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending good vibes and hugs Sybil xxx

Everyday life at Number 38 said...

We also went through the 'you better come now and tell all the relatives to visit" scenario. Tom then spent the next 48 hours chatting away to us all quite normally before he finally passed away. Sue, your comment made me smile. At one point every one of Tom's relatives turned up together and he sat bolt upright in bed and Said "what are you lot doing her, am I about to pop my clogs". I can't understand BIL behaving like he is doing at a time like this. I just hope that after MIL has passed away he doesn't carry on like this about the funeral. What on earth has made his behave in this way? xx

Poppypatchwork said...

Said it before, Families, we all have one member who causes trouble, I have a trouble making sister, won't say any more.

Linda Metcalf said...

He should realize this impacts on your mother in law....can HE be removed ? What a mess some can create. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

my love to you and . my thoughts are with you. wanda

Being careful.

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