Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Making money, saving money

I'm retiring in October, the rent from the tenant is supposed to make up for my loss of salary. At the moment I'm running at a loss, but I'm working on the theory that as long as all the big spends are out of the way by October we should break even.

Some of the things I used to do to save money when we lived in the house are no longer doable on the boat.

I cannot batch cook as there is no freezer to store extra meals in.

I cannot stock up on yellow sticker food for the same reason.

I shop every 2 or 3 days as there is very little storage space in the cupboards or fridge.

One of the bloggers I follow did a post entitled 'How I make extra money'
I did read it but the blogger is doing all the things I used to do.

She has a lodger, she dog sits, she does overtime at work. I have done all these and more but they are no longer available to me.

I have no room for a lodger, no room to dog sit and there has been an overtime freeze at work for the last eight years.

So what next, I've signed up for survey sites but I'm never in the group they are looking for.
As I'm CRB checked I could babysit, but I cannot see to drive at night so wouldn't be able to travel home.
Cashback sites are no good as we don't purchase enough stuff to make it viable.
I have sold stuff in eBay but only stuff I'm getting rid off. I don't buy stuff to sell on as I have no room to store anything I bought.

I have until October to think of something, I'll let you know if I find something successful.


The Weaver of Grass said...

It all sounds like hard work in itself just thinking of things.

galant said...

My head is spinning just hearing how you are trying to think up money-making ideas, Hester. I wish I could think up something but other than trying your hand yet again at the short-story market for magazines, and that would be only now and again even if your stories were accepted, I can't think of anything. But there must be something you could do although I'm blowed if I can think of anything.
Margaret P

Eeek said...

Some agencies for babysitting do accept day time availability only.

Icey said...

Could you offer some sewing lessons?
A 1-2-1 lesson would be up many peoples street especially if you go to them and take your machine with you , or to show them how to use theirs.

Bonnie said...

Not sure how much you are traveling from place to place: offer a boat ride?

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Do you have a spare cabin? Can you offer a unique BnB and use AirBnB? You choose when you take bookings etc.

lynda said...

I have to say if I wanted you to babysit, I would be happy to pick you up and drop you off..consider asking!
A lot of people want house sitters..would you do that? You stay at the house and look after the house and pets..Pat's well in the US...

Bextow said...

As others have said pet sitting would be good. When I go away I much prefer somebody to stay at my house to look after my animals. Also how about publishing some of your stories on kindle format, or maybe adding adverts to the blog so you get a few £'s for something you already do.

Anonymous said...

I do exam invigilating to earn some extra money. I know the main exam season has just finished, but I'm often asked to work at other times of the year as well to cover mock exams and re-sits. Local senior schools, sixth-form or further education colleges and universities will all need invigilators at various times of the year.

I gave up on survey sites (same as you, I was never what they were looking for demographically) but do find You Gov still worth doing. You won't earn a fortune but the odd £50 payment into my bank account (usually once a year or so) is always welcome.

I also occasionally do competitions, both online and in local papers. The local ones are definitely best as less people take part. I recently won a very welcome £50 M&S voucher in a free local paper.

Finally, I've recently been hearing a lot about doing mystery shopping. I don't think it would be any good for me as I don't have a car but it does sound quite a nice niche to get into. Check out for more information. She also has some other interesting extra income ideas on her site. Elizabeth.

Pam said...

Your crochet is beautiful, could you not look for commissions. There are people out there who will happily pay someone to sew buttons on garments, I have done that. How about an ironing service, there are 2 in my village, they come to your home to do it so have minimal overheads.

Col said...

I agree with Icey, sewing lessons would be good, one to one in particular. I'm much too far north to take lessons from you, but it's something I'd use if there was someone closer to me. I can sew, but can be a bit ham fisted at times, so could do with a bit of help! I'm sure there are many out there who are like me!

On another note though, it's amazing how you can save money, even without room to store loads of stuff. I'm no expert and am very lucky that we are early retired but both getting our occupational pensions, so don't have to economise as such. However, I've noticed just how much less we spend when neither of us is going out to work, no smart work outfits needed, no dropping into Costa for a quick coffee, no impulse buying in my lunch hour, etc. I honestly had no idea how much cash I was wasting until I finished work!

And......even if you have to 'tighten your belts' a little bit, believe me, the enormous advantages of not going out to work will far outweigh any lack of ready spending money!

You're going to love not working, I promise you, all that stress will just evaporate and you'll be SO much happier, honestly😀

Sol said...

as I am very short and struggle to find trousers and dresses that fit, I would love to find a dependable seamstress. They seem very hard to find locally. Could you perhaps do this type of work?

I found my last job on 'The Lady' website. I did see at the time a position as someones companion. to go to appointments and meetings 2 days a week. Look at that site and monitor for something in your area.

The other one, as you are CRB checked, what about seeing if there is a home help position where you go shopping for someone. I am wondering if this is done through an agency, your travel in your own car may be covered by thier insurance? You would have to check that.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...