Friday, 28 July 2017

Plans? What plans

CHS made a plan, he would finish work at 2 on Tuesday, I'd collect him promptly. 

We'd be back on the boat by 2:30, out of the marina by 3 and in Thatcham by 5.

We'd eat at the Swan pub that evening and the following morning 2 of the DGC would be dropped early then we'd set off for Newbury and then on to Kintbury!

This is what actually happened.

I collected CHS promptly at 2, we got half way back to the marina when CHS remembered he'd left the boat padlocks at work!

We drove back to work, collected the padlocks and drove back to the marina.

The boat was all ready to go and we finally left the marina a 4.

We got as far as the Rowbarge pub in Woolhampton, to find out that the Mikron Theatre Group were putting on a play at 7:30.

So we moored up and stayed to watch the play.

I phoned DD1 who dropped 2 of the DGC off at Woolhampton.

I made bacon sarnies for everyone and we eventually set off about 10:30, it rained lightly but persistently until about 2:30.

We managed 4 locks and 2 or 3 swing bridges, we lost a windlass but didn't lose any children.

We reached Thatcham and we were all soaking wet and chilled through, so we moored up and whilst everyone changed into dry clothes I cooked chilli for everyone.

DD arrived an hour later and collected the DGC who all said they'd had a great time.

The weather remained showery so we stayed in Thatcham until this morning when we set of home.

We are now moored back at Woolhampton, it's lashing down with rain, we're nice and snug on the boat so we will stay here until morning.


justjill said...

All sounds good to me.

AlisonB43 said...

Nothing better than cosying up in a smaller unit (we live in a motorhome) especially when the weather is bad outside. Sounds like everyone had a good time, despite the change of plan.

Sals View said...

Sounds like my type of heaven, minus the rain of course.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Wherever you are rain is the same - jolly annoying - but you do sound nice and snug on the boat.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Your plans turned out OK, sometimes a little flexability is We have had very light rain for a few minutes here and there. I'm still having to water bits of the garden. Rain forecast tonight quite heavy.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...