Wednesday 15 May 2019


I sometimes get asked if there is anything I miss about living in a house.
Ceanothus is the answer. I had a huge one in the back garden, it was beautiful and I miss it.


justjill said...

Oh so do I - I cant get it to grow up here. But now you have reminded me I will give it another go. Could you not have one in a pot?

Hard up Hester said...

We only have a very small front deck, I'm hoping to grow a few herbs and maybe some dwarf beans.

kate steeper said...

The Buzzy Bee bush as its known here, this year its covered in little bumble bees , last year it was honey bees . Plus our ever reliable red tailed bees that nest allover the garden

Hard up Hester said...

I had a buddliea too that was always full of butterflies.


We have our shopping delivered on Friday,  between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. I've been doing my shopping online for many years now. But I'...