Friday, 21 January 2022


Still in the minus here and this is what Beano did when we got in from our first walk. I've no idea how far we walked as I forgot to take my phone.

Bbarna, Lyssa unfortunately vinegar doesn't touch the scale in this area.

Ang and Pollie, I'll try your suggestions.

Kate, I've not tried Linda McCartney sausage rolls, I'm not a fan of sausage rolls, I do like a good quality pasty occasionally.

DD2 took me shopping  today, she shops at Sainsbury's, Steve has set up our deliveries with Tesco. I was able to stock up on lager which Tesco haven't had in stock for 2 weeks. I also bought garlic sausage and lard neither of which the local Tesco stocks. I prefer lard for roast potatoes and for making Melting Moments.

I've decided I'm bored with my winter tops, I've been wearing them since before I retired. So I'm going to put them away in the wardrobe for a couple of years and ring the changes.

Steve spent the morning in a bad mood he didn't want to wear his hearing aids so he moaned and bitched because he couldn't hear what I was saying!


Lyssa Medana said...

Poor beano, so cold! But also so well looked after with his awesome walks. It makes a difference. I know that vinegar is the catch all recommendations. If that doesn't work, then it's tough! I wonder if you put the cleaner on something like a thick bit of string and worked that behind the taps it would help.

I can imagine that you are going to have a whole list of comments where you see all the well-meaning suggestions and have to say, 'yes, but...' Sometimes it's just a bugger.

Wendy said...

Beano is adorable. My small dog is also in her blanket right now.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...