Saturday, 29 January 2022

New spell

Thank you for your comments.

I'm sure the event was character building. 

I wondered in hindsight if mum was hoping to foster as I was an only child, we certainly had a lot of contact with the children's home for a while.  Allegedly she wanted more children but was advised against. I would have liked a sibling but I don't think my mother would have coped.

Despite having trained as a nursery nurse and then a teacher I don't think she was keen on children, or maybe I'd just didn't live up  to her expectations, who knows.

I'm working on a new spell for someone who is returning to dry land.

There are so many aspects to be considered.

Actually I've given up on the spell until tomorrow morning as Steve has someone screaming repeatedly on YouTube. I will carry on collating the information but the spell casting can wait.


Marlane said...

When you say spell casting are you a white witch or a romany gypsy or ? ! I approve of both !!

Hard up Hester said...

A white witch, Marlane, I cast only good spells. I won't ill wish or hex anyone.

JanF said...

I hope the good spell works!

Lyssa Medana said...


I don't know about your mum, but some parents seem to have a problem with kids being themselves instead of what is expected. I know my poor parents were not expecting me to be like me. Perhaps your mum had some ideas and was surprised when it didn't work out.

Hard up Hester said...

Lyssa, for my mum I think it was all about how she was perceived, she didn't mix with the local mother's much . I think they were beneath her, therefore I had to be the best behaved child around.
She could never understand why I spent so much time cuddling my kids.

VC said...

My niece has spent her entire working life in childrens' services. She went to university to train to do this and it's all she has ever wanted to do. Now in her 30s she's in a senior position and is as passionate about her work as ever. She has never wanted children of her own but is the most amazing and caring aunt and says that she would not have the time needed to devote to 'her kids' (AKA the children under her care at work) if she had her own family. She'd make an amazing mum but thankfully for the young people needing her help she's devoted her care and life to them. I'm a very proud aunt.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...