Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Lunch club today

Lunch club has restarted, we had chicken casserole today, it was served with new potatoes and French bread. I also made a fruit salad, there should have been six of us but an extra resident turned up.

We take it in turns to cook, Betty made the casserole, Harry was going to cook the potatoes but his back seized up so I did them instead. I made the pudding. There was ample food, most people had two helpings

The extra resident was asked to contribute £3 for the two course, he wasn't happy. But thems the rules, if you aren't one of the cooks you are expected to make a contribution. The extra resident was told in advance about the payment but he didn't have any change. Said resident also never pays into the tea money. I don't drink when I visit but I pay my contribution as do at least two other residents.

It wouldn't be so bad if this resident didn't spend so much time telling everyone that he is a millionaire twice over. He goes to three lunch clubs locally and he has to pay for those, so we expect him to pay if he joins us.


Chris said...

There's always one freeloader, isn't there? I find that at the pot luck lunches at our tennis club, people who just turn up without bringing anything. There's always lots of food but it's the principal of the thing that matters!

Col said...

He wouldn't get a plate of food next time!
My late father in law was a bit like that, always boasting about what he had in the bank, but never carrying cash!
He did have quite a bit in the bank, but by the time he died, he'd spent almost every penny on the 'lady' he'd taken up with just two weeks after his wife died! He was not a nice man at all!
I often find that the people who are most willing to 'pay their way' are the ones who can least afford it!
It's good to see you back using the cooking skills you've always had, if Steve wants to miss out on good, wholesome food, on his own head be it! X

Catriona said...

Can’t stand people who won’t pay their share! Like you, I contribute to tea kitties and bring my own drink. Catriona

Carole R said...

There is always one! My dad used to have a friend called Jumper. I asked him once why he was called that and my dad said that the man never buys a round of drinks just mumps off everyone else! I have a friend who is very wealthy and very tight! If I pay for lunch she always says she will pay next time. Never offers. Now I suggest we each pay for our own.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...