I have a dreadful cold and have had two sleepless nights.
One for no obvious reason, the other because Beano decided he needed a drink or water at 2 a.m.
We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...
I sympathise with your lack of sleep-I have had a week of sleepless nights combined with nightmares! Catriona
It is your blog and your posts. No need to be sorry for anything.
I too have recently suffered with a cold and just now am feeling more human. 10 days of it are more than enough. As a somewhat funny, I had a calf cramp last night and ran a toe into the bed leg. I think I broke my toe. My husband's only comment in the morning was now "you are sick and gimpy. Can you refill my coffee?"
Just glad I am retired so I do not have to explain why I am not getting up and getting ready for the rest of the day.
Hope you feel better soon! I check daily to see how you are doing and miss hearing from you!
Dogs drink so noisily don't they, and our Pug leaves a puddle of water for unexpecting just-socked feet to step into. Our cat on the other hand laps daintily and at great length and then quietly resumes his position in the dog bed.
There are a lot of bugs and viruses going round aren't there. Hope you feel better soon, even if it's 'just' a cold, it makes you feel rotten. Betty also drinks noisily and slops it round everywhere, hence why her water bowl is on a mat.
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well!
Just rest and drink lots of fluids!
You are certainly allowed to take whatever rest you need. We women seem to feel guilty when putting ourselves first which is mad when we have worked hard and earned our retirement. I had, out of the blue, bad news from my GP just before Christmas and have decided to come off the diet that I always seem to be on (not successfully!) and have that extra glass of wine if I’d like it🤣.
Life is short, let’s enjoy what is left. Take care of yourself and Beano and I’m looking forward to your next post whenever you feel able. Best wishes from Northern Ireland x
Best wishes for a swift recovery; so many people seem to have these symptoms and feeling very poorly. Be kind to yourself, stay warm, sleep, lots of fluids and Lemsip recommended. Gentle hugs from a safe distance!
I always read your blog but don’t often comment
Really sorry that you have not been well and hope you are recovering soon
Siobhan x
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