Wednesday, 13 December 2023

And breathe

I've been busy cooking and I enjoy cooking and baking, I had very little opportunity when we lived on the boat. The only person I fed was Steve and as he has severe issues around food, there was very little pleasure to be had from cooking.

I often cooked for 12-15 people before my children left home and I got divorced. As my eyesight deteriorates I've lost skills, I can no longer knit, sew or crochet. Cooking I can still manage though I'm not sure how long for. So I intend to make the most of it!

Keth, thanks for the information, my surgery has a lot of problems as there are only two part time Drs. who work 2.5 days between them, covering two surgeries. The reception staff are mostly approaching retirement and don't cope well with IT but I will take your advice. I've have asked repeatedly if It could be marked on my records that I am deaf but I've been told they are not able to do this. The also don't accept emails as a form of communication.

It doubt if I have Sjogrens, I've had stress hives on my chin and neck on and off since I was a child. I have been told by the opticians that my dry, itchy eyes were caused by my age. As I said, my surgery has two part time Drs that are shared between two different surgeries that are 10 miles apart.

Catriona, there is no practice manager, all letters are shared between reception/Drs.

Ellen, Steve still thinks my cooking is crap, he just thinks the other residents are just being polite.


lindsey said...

I bet your cooking is delicious and yummy. Here in Ireland when we have a party everyone brings something and this makes life so easy. Well, easier, anyway. I found it odd when we first came but am thankful for it now as I’m thirteen years older! All the doctors at our surgery left in January and we now have various locums etc. I was sorry to see my doctor go but this week had to speak with one of the new doctors and have been very impressed and appreciative of her excellent care. It seems odd to use the telephone but that must save them loads of time. The only difficulty is getting through of course. Have a good time with your neighbours 🍰🥂

Anonymous said...

get some of the residents to ask Steve to see if you'd bake some of your lovely pies and cakes for an event and see what he says then! love Carrie x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...