Monday, 4 December 2023

Soup part two.

Yesterday Steve was finishing up the new cupboard he has built in the hall and I was blitzing the kitchen. I'd just stopped for coffee when Steve came rushing in, needing to get changed.  It seems he sneezed and filled his pants! This was all down to my homemade soup, not that he had any, and had nothing at all to do with the 15 cans of lager he drinks every evening.

I hate to think what a diet of beer, meat and BBQ sauce is doing to his constitution.

Today he's going to a local cheese shop with two other residents to buy cheese for tomorrow's meeting. I've asked him to get me a small piece of stilton so I can make stilton and broccoli soup one day. My soup today is leftover veg from Sunday lunch. Peas and cauliflower, I shall add onion and carrot as I have some in the fridge.

I shall walk to the local pet shop today as Beano is out of biscuits, he only likes the small bone shaped ones. Everything else is too big for him.

I shall trim up tomorrow, it will take me less than half an hour, I'm sure. Steve is getting quite stressed as he doesn't want the other residents to realise how much he hates  Christmas. This means that whilst he is happy and jolly in public, he's extra grumpy indoors.


Anonymous said...

oh dear I'm sorry but that made me proper LOL, how can he blame your soup when he didn't have any! I hope you told him that! love Carrie x

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.... I almost had an accident myself just now laughing after reading this post today.
Dawn P. Albany, Georgia USA

flis said...

My beloved is over reacting to Everything - I am trying to ignore him - This week he shall have an operation and be confined for several weeks after with a commode which I am dreading x

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're having to put up with someone who sounds a lot like my own father. Lovely in public and a monster behind closed doors. My mother used to ask him, "Why are you always so nice to other people and not to us?" I say 'used to' because he killed my mother in the end. Steve sounds horrible and I just wanted to comment that I am concerned for your mental well being.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...