Its gone 1a.m. and although I'm tired I can't sleep.
Steve is snoring loud enough to wake the dead.
Even without my hearing aids I can hear him.
We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...
Snores can be intrusive and impossible to ignore. Hope you can get some sleep
Sorry to hear you are being kept off your sleep. Catriona
Snoring is the worst. Nearly broke us up. I used to sleep so lightly that when he snored, I would lie awake for hours, angry and annoyed, unable to go back to sleep. I can't do too many nights in a row without sleep; I just can't recover from it like I did when I was young. I tried noise canceling headphones and earbuds, but none were comfortable enough to sleep in all night. So I started sleeping in another bedroom, and he was not happy about that, neither was I but something had to give. I started hormone replacement therapy in Feb. this year, and one of the greatest side effects of it, is that now I can sleep! And if I wake up from his snoring, I can go back to sleep now. I take some supplements that help with that, too. I moved back into our bedroom a few months ago, and now I don't want to kill him! I am a staunch advocate to women now, for HRT. For many reasons and this one.
Poke him!!! Enough to disturb his sleep pattern.
I think I could write a book on the negative impact of snoring........I feel your pain!
Alison in Wales x
I feel your pain too, Hester. DH would be a gold medallist if they ever included snoring in the olympic games. I put the radio on to get back to sleep and give me something to focus on that isn’t snoring. Sometimes the radio disturbs his sleep; how sad 😉
I also feel your pain, husband and dog in surround sound, I can't wear earplugs or cotton wool
or anything like that they're uncomfortable, I have tried but I can still hear them so it's pointless, but if I can get to sleep before them I'm usually ok and it's not all night luckily they stop and start. If I'm awake it's a different matter & I have get my kindle out and have a read until it subsides and then I can go back to sleep. I hope you get some rest soon, love Carrie x
My husband snores when he has his arm over his head. So, I move that arm; and when he resists, I tug a little harder and he wakes up, annoyed, but I don't care.
A few years ago, when he was overweight, I made him sleep in the guest bedroom. It's his problem to solve, I didn't see the need for ME to move.
I'm the snorer in our household and it has caused some almighty rows. We now have separate rooms at home, which is great, but it's still a problem when we go away. I've got a surgical collar from when I fell downstairs, which keeps my mouth closed, so I'm going to try sleeping in that when we're next away. I wonder if it will work!
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