Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Mince pie cock up.

 I offered to make some mince pies for this afternoon. I didn't realise that I had no pastry cutters, a lot of stuff was lost or destroyed when we left the boat. Steve's been complaining that I should have made the mince pies on Saturday, I think they would be a bit stale by today.

I've made them anyway using two different size glasses. I've ordered a cheap set of cutters but they won't arrive until tomorrow. I

No doubt Steve will complain that I'm showing him up but most of the residents are just happy to eat something home made.

We have our Christmas lunch out at a local pub today, I think it's the pub where I held my works leaving do. I'm assuming I ordered the turkey for lunch and it is my favourite but I have no idea what pudding I ordered. Nemmind, it give Steve another excuse to moan.


Anonymous said...

Your mince pies will look and taste delicious, my granny had fluted cutters but she always used glasses for mince pies and jam tarts if she was taking them to an event as she said people would recognise they were home made not shop bought and gobble them down all the quicker ! love Carrie x

lindsey said...

I remember my mother making mince pies very late on Christmas Eve. With no freezer in those days there was always lots to do very near The Big Day. Looking back I can appreciate just how hard she worked. We always had a houseful and the nibbles, which always included Cheese Balls (yuk!) were put out before guests arrived with instructions not to touch. In the 1960’s such things were considered the height of sophistication 🤣🤣🤣

lindsey said...

Sorry, I forgot to say how glad I am that you are back x

Catriona said...

My mother seldom used pastry cutters-always used a tumbler or jam jar. Catriona

flis said...

I'd tell him that he doesn't need to eat anything he doesn't want to - Mine has moaned so much that he misses out now - I expect over the next few weeks he will eat what I give him though - Or call for a takeaway - His choice -Sillybillys x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...