Tuesday, 26 December 2023


I did nothing on Christmas day apart from cooking the Christmas lunch. This consisted of turkey,  ham, stuffing, roast potatoes, carrots, cabbage, sprouts and gravy.

Today I vacuumed through as both my son's were visiting, and Beano has an extra long walk. We had turkey/ham sandwiches for lunch and again for our evening meal.

Tomorrow I need to get my arris in year and prep any veg left and freeze it. I will freeze the veg on trays and bag it up once frozen. I've insisted on having a freezer drawer just for my food so Steve will not be able to fill both freezers with the party food he lives on. I need to start making soup my lunch, hopefully in larger amounts and freezing some of it.

I'm all Christmased out now so tomorrow I'll probably take the decorations down.


sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Our Dec's were down yesterday, they were very minimal, I did not even put the village up on the hall dresser
All the best to you for 2024.

Sue said...

I was just talking about taking down my Christmas decorations, but perhaps I'll wait until Friday though as my son is going to visit with my youngest grandson on Thursday and it would be a shame to be all cleaned up and ready for the New Year before their visit. I'm glad you have a space for your foods in the freezer, it sounds like a very good plan.

Catriona said...

That sounded a good christmas lunch. I’m going to be taking the decs down shortly and get them away safely in the top shelf of the wardrobe. Catriona

Ellen D. said...

I'll leave my decorations up until New Years and then store it away in the basement. I will take the leftover ham and dice it up and keep it in the freezer for future casseroles or split pea soup . Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas meal!

Siebrie said...

I recognise the 'claiming' part! My husband has a tendency to just grab the first item at hand, so I make sure his towel is the front one on the set of rails, and his toothbrush is the first one on the left, my nice coffee cup (a gift from my dds) is always more to the back of the cupboard, and all technology parts found all over the house are returned (but not neatly) to the box next to his seat in front of the telly.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...