Friday, 15 December 2023

I fecking hate Fridays

I slept badly last night which doesn't help but I really do hate Fridays.

Steve has arranged to play chess on a Friday morning with a resident.

He also gets the Tesco delivery on a Friday morning. I did suggest moving the Tesco delivery but this does not compute.

Steve gets up by 9 on Friday morning and immediately starts checking his phone for delivery updates. He then starts rushing around the flat and up to the car park in case the delivery driver is there and can't find out flat. This continues until the delivery arrives. Once it's here he rushes around, picking up the shopping, putting it down and moving it around. If I try to help I'm told to get out the way as I'm destroying his plan. If I sit and let him get on with it, I'm being unhelpful!

Add to this he is panicking about missing his chess game.

Today as he was in full blown panic mode he shouted at me to get out of his way as I was upsetting his Tesco unpacking I told him he was behaving like a dickhead, I said this in front of the delivery driver, shock horror! Then I grabbed my coat and took Beano out for a walk.I

We are having fish and chips in the summer house at 6 a.m. Hopefully I will be able to be civil to Steve by then.


Nelliegrace said...

Well done, Hester. What a perfect choice of word.
I hope it has helped to relieve your stress.

Catriona said...

Well said! Hope you enjoy your fish and chips. Catriona

Anonymous said...

Good for you, it will do him good to let him see that you're not putting up with his nonsense.

My husband is the similar with the shopping delivery constantly checking the window for the van and making me refresh the delivery page to see where the van is. Add to that nonstop talking about everything that's in his brain that day & how he's going to demand where the driver parks and if he doesn't comply he'll be taking the shopping away again (this never happens he just says it will).I'm not allowed at the gate when the driver arrives either husband will bring all the baskets in himself and then complain later about his back and shoulders. It is a grumpy old man thing do you think ?

I hope you are ok and got to enjoy your fish & chips, love Carrie x

Ellen D. said...

A walk with Beano during delivery time sounds like the best solution. Hope the fish and chips with good!

Anonymous said...

Good for you honey.
I'm sure the delivery guy already knows he's a
dickhead. You stand up for yourself and stop taking his abuse.
Your a human being and deserve to be treated with respect.
Since he doesn't care and treats strangers
Better than you, you treat him the same way.
I'm glad you have your pup for love and companionship.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...