Thursday, 21 December 2023


Both daughters visited today at different times. DD1 visited at 9 a.m.  with three of her tribe. She'd warned me she'd be early so I took Beano out about 7:30. He wanted a long walk so we weren't back long when she arrived.

I took Beano out again at 11 a.m. after  they had gone and again we were out for about an hour. DD2 arrived about 4 p.m. after they'd left Beano decided he wanted to go for another walk and again at about 7 p.m. He's definitely got his steps in today and so have I.

Tomorrow morning I need to make another batch of mince pies as we are having afternoon tea in the summer house.


Ellen D. said...

You might be tired but it sounds like a happy, busy day!

lindsey said...

Your social life seems to have picked up. I don’t think that I could manage to walk our two so much. Beano must love it 👏. Very, very windy here but then we are by the sea. No 1 son has arrived and the rest come tomorrow. I’ve got a # rib so am taking a back seat this year. A huge delivery tomorrow which I will let them sort. I’ve checked and there is plenty of vino collapso so I will be fine 🤣. I do hope that your husband is in a good mood for Christmas. Best wishes xx

Chris said...

I hope the afternoon tea was enjoyable and I hope the summer house is heated!

My Piece of Earth said...

Just popping in to say Happy Christmas and all the best for 2024.

Theresa Y said...

Wishing you a Merry Christmas. I hope it's filled to calmness and peace.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...