Sunday, 17 December 2023

Saturday was a good day!

Our neighbour Betty came round to ask me if I'd like to go to Sainsbury's with her, I jumped at the chance.

I think Steve was a bit aggrieved that she didn't ask him but as Betty said Steve goes out with Harry two or three times a week and she never sees me goung out apart from walking Beano. She is also not fooled by Steve's jolly persona when he's in company. It seems her own husband was the same. As she lives next door I expect she can hear Steve ranting on when he's upset.

We went to Sainsbury's and to B&M which is next door, I didn't buy much but it made a pleasant change from sitting in the flat.


Rambler said...

How lovely of Betty - and comforting to know that she has sussed Steve out. I hope you can enjoy more outings with her. A very pleasant change for you.

Catriona said...

How lovely to have an outing with a friendly neighbour. Catriona

Ana Dunk said...

You might be surprised as to how many people in your community see Steve as he really is. He is bound to slip up from time to time where his true personality will come through. Just enjoy the times you can spend with Betty. She sounds like a pleasant person to spend some time with. And it gets you out of the house for a brief respite from old grouchy pants.

Ellen D. said...

Oh, that's nice of Betty to take you out shopping. Hope it becomes a regular outing!

Nelliegrace said...

That sounds an enjoyable outing and company for both of you, Hester.

Our local Sainsbury’s superstore is my nearest place for a gentle walk, at its quieter times, when it is too hot, cold or wet out of doors. The smaller trolleys were just the right height to hold on to when I had back problems.

Anonymous said...

That is lovely of Betty I hope it becomes a regular thing as it's nice to have someone to talk to who understands. As other have said there will be more people that know what's going on than you realise.

flis said...

I'm so pleased for you - Betty seems a genuinely good person x

Rae said...

I am so glad you have a neighbor that is so kind and offering as Betty. I hope it gives you some comfort knowing that she understands a bit what you go through every day. Maybe just having someone know and care will help give you the strength to get through the worst days. Ranee (MN) USA

jane in au said...

Lovely,its nice just to get out and browse dont need to buy much,Im glad you have a neighbour that seems to understand having that validation is what makes a difference in these situations.

Cheryl said...

I'm glad Betty took you out. Maybe she'll be nice enough to make it a regular thing. Steve doesn't sound nice at all. I know he had a stroke but you are his wife.

Debby said...

I am glad that you have found a friend to get out with.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...