Thursday, 9 May 2024


Oh bugger, I've got an attack of gout! 

It's bloody painful and slows me down a lot, it takes ages to walk Beano every day.

I've been taking painkillers occasionally but they have little effect and make me feel nauseous.

Steve has helped by complaining non-stop and telling me to go the the Drs. I don't see any point, the Dr diagnosed it some years ago. I don't know what causes it to flare up.

I need to vacuum through but can't face it when I'm in so much pain , I will have to wait until the pain subsides.


Rambler said...

Ages ago, I was prescribed Allopurinol for gout, but the more effective treatment is to drink a small can of Tonic Water every night before bedtime. It has to be the sort that contains Quinine - I buy Fevertree and I rarely suffer with gout at all since I started with that. PS - I LOVE the Raspberry and Rhubarb flavour and yes, it is made with quinine and spring water. Yummy!

Yorkshire Pudding said...

I have had a few attacks of gout and I know how painful and distracting it can be. A doctor can prescribe Allopurinol - a drog that targets the uric acid level in your bloodstream. It is not a pain killer but give it three days and the symptoms of gout will disappear - at least for a long while.

Anonymous said...

My mother had flare ups of Gout, usually caused by a change in her many Meds.

I looked it up again and STRESS and EMOTIONAL UPSET and FATIQUE can all bring on a Flare Up...

So, no surprise I guess that you are having a Flare Up now. Take care of yourself 1st.

Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

50 and counting said...

Have you tried drinking Cherry juice? It is an old remedy

JacquieB said...

For once Steve is right. The doctor can prescribe Colcachine which will stop the inflammation very quickly and so help prevent permanent damage to the joints affected. My partner has the same problem and always has an emergency supply handy.
If an appointment with the doctor is really difficult (as I know own it can be) go to the pharmacist and get them to contact the surgery for you. My partner had to do this once. Good luck. GOUT IS AWFUL

WitchHazrl said...

Sorry to heat about the gout, its a horrible condition. My husband suffers from it. He imtajes allopurinol every day, which has really helped.


Theresa Y said...

They say tart cherry juice is good for gout. It may help alleviate some the pain. Try to take it easy.hope you feel better soon

Fat Dormouse said...

My husband gets gout occasionally - the doctor prescribes a particular kind of painkiller. Maybe - just maybe - Steve's right this time, & the doctor could prescribe gout specific drugs. But it may be different in the UK.

Beth Waltz said...

Please, do try the Allopurinal. It works.

flis said...

My husband told me to call 999 saying he couldn't walk - 2 ambulance men carried him from the bed to the ambulance and away to hospital - Diagnosed with psuedo gout x

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs. It's such a painful disease.

Anonymous said...

Red meat, citrus fruits and proteins in lentils give us a gout flare up.Drink plenty of water and pass the uric acid out.
Watch dr Eric berg on you tube as he explains gout and uric acid and remedies.
Hope this helps.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...