Monday, 27 May 2024

Macular traction.

 The most common macular problem is macular degeneration, this can be helped by injections.

I don't have that I have macular traction which is different.

I was told that surgery would solve the problem.

I had surgery on my eye.

The surgery failed and the surgeon mistakenly sliced my retina.

After this I refused surgery on my other eye!


Donna said...

Oh my God! I am SO sorry...I don't blame you for not wanting surgery...

Katie said...

I had a vitreomacular traction in both eyes, I don't know whether this is the same thing. By the time I found out, in one eye the vitreous fluid had spontaneously pulled away from the retina, which although it had left a thinning of the retina, I was still able to see out of, even though straight lines have a distinct kick in them.
I was offered surgery on the other eye as I was told the vitreous fluid may pull away and destroy the retina.
However like you , I declined this.
Several months later it pulled away with a small amount of thinning of the retina, again with distortion of any straight lines, if I look straight at them.

The vitromacular fluid did pull away from the retina in my brother but it tore the retina which had to be repaired and he has lost the vision in the center of his eye.

It is a gamble whichever way you look at it. (no pun intended)

Carol Caldwell said...

My husband has macular degeneration and has injections to keep it from wet to dry. He had monthly injections for four years and since a new injection came out it has worked much better and now he is having it every ten weeks. In the mean time though he has developed cataracts which have gradually worsened. He could have the cataracts removed but there is a slight chance that it would make the macular worse. He is afraid to have the cataracts done in case it worsens the macular so for now says he will live with it. It is difficult to balance the choices so I totally understand why you wouldn't want the other eye done.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...