Saturday, 11 May 2024

Rose Chafer

I've just taken Beano for a walk, whilst we were out a Rose Chafer landed in my hair. I didn't notice it at first, I assumed it was a leaf. When I went to move it I realised it was alive and picked it out of my hair and placed it on a nearby plant. They are beautiful beetles, quite large with iridescent greeny bronze wings.

Beano was decidedly unimpressed and took to his heels, he's a bit of a wuss really.

I vacuumed through today, I don't think I did a very good job as I really can't see what I'm doing. I still l need to give the kitchen a bit of a blitz but it can wait until my foot has stopped throbbing.


flis said...

I can see ok but no longer worry about housework - I cannot do it alone so just do what I can - As long as my dogs are happy that's all that matters to me - I think I see those beatles when I'm walking out but didn't know what they were - They usually are turned over on their backs struggling to get up - I turn then back onto their feet x

Annabeth said...

Sorry about your gout attack. Dr can prescribe anti-inflammatories, which would really help. If you really don't want to see the Dr., do you have a pharmacy near by? Pharmacists are really helpful.

Lyssa Medana said...

I googled rose chafers and they are so pretty!

Sending hugs and I hope that your foot settles down soon.

lindsey said...

I could never touch a beetle and even now I’m feeling ‘funny’ at the thought of one on me. You are so brave! I hope that your gout is clearing up and that the pain is getting better. Best wishes x

Being careful.

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