Sunday, 26 May 2024

No conversation.

Ellen, I'm not so much upset as seriously pissed off.

There is no therapy or help available here, I can't get a Drs appointment for love or money. All I can do is keep buggering on.

Steve is not really capable of holding a conversation for more than a few minutes. What he thinks is conversation is actually a series of rants about how crap his life is.

When we lived on the boat he had more control, if I suggested we moor near some other boats Steve would usually decide there wasn't room for us. This meant he had complete control over who I could speak to.

Here I've been able to speak to the other residents, Betty has become a friend but Steve would rather I tried to speak with the residents he prefers. Because I have problems with my hearing I tend to gravitate towards the people with loud voices. 


Ellen D. said...

I'm so glad you have neighbors there to talk to and do things with.

lindsey said...

You are quite right to speak to whomever you choose. Betty sounds nice and she obviously likes you. It’s always good to have a friend nearby and your DH can’t possibly decide for you! You certainly have a lot on your shoulders at the moment and I send best wishes to you. Stay strong x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...