Wednesday, 4 December 2013

A failure & a success

I'll admit it, I've failed, I've tried but I couldn't do it, I've had to give up on the free porridge, yesterday it was like concrete and nobody ate it. Today's was yesterday's with extra water added, so it was runny with lumps in. I will eat most things but even I cannot stomach the porridge on a daily basis, this puts paid to saving a few pennies every day, I'll have to think of something else to cut back on.

On the other hand, I've spoken to our mortgage company today & arranged to pay an extra £100 a month to bring the term down. The chap I spoke to was a bit bemused, this close to Christmas I expect more people are taking a mortgage holiday of falling into arrears. 

Helen went for another scan yesterday & both babes are coming along nicely.
Lizzie went for an interview yesterday & was offered the job on the spot, she starts in the new year when the current incumbent leaves


Retro Wren said...

Shame about the porridge....

Yay for your daughters job and the twins brewing nicely :)

Have a good rest of the week dear lady. X

AlisonB43 said...

Good news all round. Shame about the porridge, but I am not sure I would want someone else cooking my food for me - I never realised how fussy I am. could you bring it in from home? it is quite a cheap food?

keth said...

alternative suggestion, since it sounds like noone will eat it - is it a canteen or something? could you possibly make it yourself for everyone, or is it the standing around that is causing the problems?

Hard up Hester said...

Hi, it's made in the school canteen, by the same staff who put the frozen veg on to boil at 9:30 ready for lunch. I shouldn't be surprised. I'll go back to making my own porridge when I get up. I was just looking at it as a way to save a few pennies on a daily basis.

frugal freesia said...

Great news for your daughters. If you have access to a microwave at work, maybe you could make your own porridge there to save a few pennies on your electric?


Beano gets more walks in the summer than in the winter. It's not the weather, we neither of us mind the cold. It's the shortness of ...