Friday, 21 July 2017

He's fallen in the water

I have been telling CHS for weeks to get some new shoes. 
The soles of the pair he wears for work are worn smooth and have no grip.
I have repeatedly warned him that this isn't safe on the boat, but of course he didn't listen.
I even put a pair of the sort he wears in the Amazon shopping basket but he didn't bother to buy them.
Today, by the time we arrived home it was raining, as he has a great aversion to getting wet CHS hurried along the jetty, leapt onto the back of the boat and promptly slipped off the back of the boat!
As he had hold of the tiller he only got his legs wet from the knees downwards but he has a Technicolor bruise below the knee.
He has taken himself off to lay on the bed with his book to recover.


galant said...

I'll bet he's nursing hurt pride as well as the actual bruises!
Margaret P

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Please don't think bad of me for having just a little giggle, I know I have called terrible sense of humour. Get well CHS.

Sals View said...

Did you laugh? Please tell me you did.....

Hard up Hester said...

Yes Margaret his pride is bruised, I didn't say 'I told you so' but he could hear me thinking it.

Tania, I do too.

Sal, only when he wasn't looking, but yes I did.

Christine said...

Hopefully you put him in the wet room to dry off.

Winters End Rambler said...

Oh dear...I wonder how long before he buys those new shoes! x

R's Rue said...

Feel better.

Hard up Hester said...

His new shoes will be here some time this week, he is feeling much better now and can see the funny side of it.


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