Thursday, 15 February 2018

Fractious factions

Things have quieted down a bit on the marina, some of the more vociferous complainants seem to be taking a breather.

Some factions are still arguing but less so, as now the new company has taken over, more maintenance is being done and even more is planned.

We are moving on in March out onto the cut, we may return here for a winter mooring.

I'm keeping my head down until then, I find the gossiping a bit much.

I inadvertently stood on a few toes when I started boat cleaning, there are other people here who clean boats and they feel I have stolen their work.

So I have decided to give up, they won't get the work when I stop because the people I clean for didn't want to employ them in the first place.

Hey ho I can manage without the money and I can definitely manage without the grief!


The Weaver of Grass said...

Oh dear - why does there always seem to be trouble is close communities.

Anonymous said...

noooo keep going sure they will get over it and I should think the cash comes in handy xx tessa

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Last week at my weight watchers meeting one person sat were another one normally sits and there was snide remarks etc. The ruddy chairs don't belong to these people and stop being a child!!! Don't give in to people like this.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Keep going, if you want to. Bucha crybabies!

Elaine said...

Do whatever works for you.

I'm looking forward to hearing about your 'adventures on the high seas'.

Winters End Rambler said...

If some people put as much effort into their work as they do minding other people's business I expect they'd have much less to complain about x

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...