Friday, 23 February 2018

Have boat will travel

CHS has a three day weekend, woohoo, so we set off on Thursday about 4ish, we had a pump out before we left the marina and I'd filled the water tank up in the morning.
We only travelled a short distance just through a nearby lock, we then moored up at Aldermaston Wharf and waited for the fish and chip van. It turned up this week. We had 2 pieces of cod and a portion of chips between us.
It wasn't cheap at £12.20 but very enjoyable.

We set off this morning at 10:15, we were moored just before a swing bridge that has time restrictions on it, it will not operate rush hour as it would cause too much disruption to the road traffic. Still it gave us an excuse for a lie in.

The bridges and locks along this stretch are quite close together so I walked along carrying my windlass and a BW key.

I walked to Tyle Mill lock opening locks and bridges as  went. Unfortunately although Tyle Mill lock was fine the swing bridge immediately after it wouldn't open. As always happens at times like the CHS starts to panic, he's convinced I'm using the wrong key or doing something else wrong and starts yelling and waving his arms about. He keeps trying to phone me but I'm phoning CRT to report the fault.
The engineer arrived quite promptly about half an hour after my call.
Once he got the bridge open we set off again this time with me aboard.
We found a nice mooring by Theale swing bridge and as the sun was dropping and the wind getting up we've stopped for the night. I'm cooking some chicken pieces for tea, then we will sit in front of a log fire and read until bedtime.


honey said...

Sounds wonderful!!!

justjill said...

Lovely. And breathe.

markdebby said...

Wish it was me

Chris said...

I was able to track your trip on my trusty Road Atlas. I have been through lots of locks but would love to see a swing bridge in action.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

How lovely to walk outside your abode and see a different sight each day. It sounds wonderful.

cumbrian said...

How the rich live!

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...