Sunday, 1 July 2018

An assortment of bedfellows

Yesterday was sitting day.

I was babysitting my three dgd's as DD2 was out. I sat from 7 until 1 a.m.

Before I went to DD's I stopped for a couple of hours at DS2's to keep his cats company for a while, he has taken three other grandchildren camping. I used his machine to wash come clothes and towels, cleaned up some cat sick and had cuddles with the cats.

I took the wet clothes to DD's to dry as Ds's washing line wasn't up.

One dgd had trouble getting to sleep so I lay beside her stroking her hair until she dropped off.

Then I went downstairs and read my kindle, I'll admit to snoozing a little as I'm usually in bed way before 1 a.m. at some point DD's dog snuggled up beside me as I slept.

Once DD2 arrived home I went back to DS'S, I decided not to attempt the towpath and gangplank so slept in DS'S spare bed, I was joined by one of his cats who decided I must have visited just to provide stroke and cuddles.


justjill said...

Wish I had had someone like you around when my kids were little, and had loads of cats! My Mother was not interested at all in either.

Hard up Hester said...

I could also have done with someone like me, I had no pets, four children and no one to babysit them.

Cathy said...

I'm surprised at the number of my friends who have been expected to babysit children once they retired. 'But mum you have retired, what else will you do with your time'
So many have told me they would have loved to do this that or the other - but can't! One told me she was scared of the ruckus there'd be if she said she wasn't available.

We lived away from family all those years ago so no helping hands for us. We managed :)

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...