Saturday, 28 July 2018


We are moored in Kintbury, on the 48 hour visitor moorings. The weather is forecast to be very wet tomorrow if it is we will stay here.
We were moored just above Greenham lock last night, we had some very heavy rain in the early hours but it had stopped by the time we got up.
We've travelled through nine locks today and one swing bridge,  some of the locks were easier than others. We had help at three of the locks as there were boats traveling in the opposite direction.

One boat was decked out with balloons and bunting, one of the passengers was celebrating his birthday, he was probably about seven years old.

We passed a boat called Sunflower Days there were about 20 sunflowers in pots on the boat. Another boat had a roof covered in sedum and grass, the boat didn't seem to have a name. We also saw a boat with a vegetable garden on the roof and in the cratch a  tub of runner beans covered in flowers. The most decorative boat today has to be African Queen, on the roof loads and loads of bottles and jars all covered in glass mosaic.


lindsey said...

Is that the African Queen that is a floating ‘boatel’? It was on the television programme Four in a Bed. After all those locks I hope that you have a relaxing Sunday.

Hard up Hester said...

No Lindsey, it was just a narrowboat of the same name. We have seen the floating restaurant called African Queen when we were on the Thames last year.

Sarah said...

Is the horse drawn barge still at Kintbury, lovely quiet way to travel.

justjill said...

Well, you never get bored! Remind me what is your boat called?

Margie from Toronto said...

How creative - I'd have loved to see some of those boats - it's so nice when people really make an effort. I hope you have a bit of a rest tomorrow as you've certainly had a busy week!

Hard up Hester said...

Sarah, yes the horse drawn boat is still there, I love the horses.

JJ, our boat is called Apostrophe, so people constantly ask us if it's in the right place.

Margie, it's raining hard this morning so we may be staying put.

Oh what joy!

Today Steve has watched the rugby and checked his blood pressure repeatedly. He is doing my head in! He gets very excited watching the rugby...