Friday, 27 July 2018

Soft touch, updated

Here is the post I meant to write.
I'm a terrible soft touch, I cannot walk past anyone begging though I usually buy them a sandwich and a drink rather than give money. If they have a dog with them I'll buy dog treats.
My DD2 volunteers at a charity that helps vulnerable and homeless people, my DD1 is a foster carer, like me they cannot walk on by
Today I was in Tesco in Reading just after 7 am I was loading some heavy shopping into my car when a man came to help me.
I assume he was an addict as he was very jittery but perfectly polite.
He asked if he could have the £1 from my trolley, I explained that  had used a token so there wasn't £1 in there. I rummaged in my bag and gave him £5.
He seemed overcome and went to hug me, then he paused, thinking I maybe didn't want a hug.
I hugged him and told him to take care of himself.


justjill said...

What have you done now?

Anonymous said...

Is that the name of a passing boat? lol


Hard up Hester said...

Daft aren't I!

justjill said...

No you are not daft. You are lovely.

Anonymous said...

your money will have gone on more drugs and drink

Anonymous said...

Ah Hester that's just what I would do! Not a soft touch at all! Good for you!

ShellyC said...

There but for the grace of 'God/What ever' go you and I.

Rambler said...

"Your money will have gone on more drugs and drink." REALLY? You know that, do you? And so what? If that made life feel better for awhile for a man at the bottom of a deep pit, with no home, no money, no help - can you really begrudge him that?
At least he was given a choice to do what he wanted with a wonderful £5.

Linda Metcalf said...

I cannot pass never know a persons story. We all must care for each other.

Anonymous said...

Really? Spend it on drink or drugs..every one of them? I have volunteered around the vulnerable for many years and I still say “ There but for the grace of God, go I”. The stories I could tell, how $10.00 for gas enabled someone to drive to a job interview. That job enabled the woman to feed and house her family.
Bless you, we are meant to take care of each other. What charmed lives others have lived that they are immune to other’s problems..

Hard up Hester said...

A lot of homeless people are ex forces, some are made vulnerable by mental health issues.
Also children in care are expected to manage the transition from being in care to living and working and managing their own lives at 18. They also can become homeless very easily.
And to be honest I'd rather give money to someone who didn't need it than turn away anyone in need.

mother noah said...

If I found myself living on the streets I would need all the drink and drugs I could lay my hands on to cope .

Oh what joy!

Today Steve has watched the rugby and checked his blood pressure repeatedly. He is doing my head in! He gets very excited watching the rugby...