Monday, 2 July 2018

Itches and bites

DD1 is sometimes asked to do short term daycare by social services.
Recently she had a child for just 3 afternoons, it can vary, sometimes it's more than one child. If I'm free I'll go and help.
I do not blog about these children as it wouldn't be appropriate.

I helped out recently though and realised a couple of days later that I had got nits, DD often gets them. Neither of us would refuse to cuddle a baby or toddler in need of reassurance.

No sooner had I got rid of the nits when I went to Ds's, a stray cat had got into his house, I persuaded it to leave after a while, unfortunately not before it had infested Ds's cats and carpets with fleas. I have an anklet if flea bites round each leg.


The Weaver of Grass said...

I was expecting your bites to come from midges on the water.

justjill said...

Had em both. As a child carer myself the list of stuff you can get from kids is a long one. Worms. Ring worm. etc. oh and hysteria, Madness..... Just keep the ability to laugh!

Anonymous said...

Yep... I worked for 10+ years in non-profit child programs (emergency shelters, etc) and I had the worse case of pink eye I had ever had when there, lots of colds / flus, and other lovely things, caught from the kids. Couldn't be helped, but a nuisance just the same!
Dawn P.

Chris said...

Biggest problem we had at work was head lice. (Is that the same as nits?)They tended to run through a class very quickly. I managed to avoid getting them by keeping my hair really short. And not letting my head get too close to the kids' heads - these little bugs can really jump!

Winters End Rambler said...

Nothing like getting you hands dirty in the line of duty...all solvable though x

Oh what joy!

Today Steve has watched the rugby and checked his blood pressure repeatedly. He is doing my head in! He gets very excited watching the rugby...