Thursday, 5 July 2018

Her old family

DGD Suzy & I have spent a lot of time together this week as DD has been working more.
One morning we were in the park, she'd played on lots of the equipment and than sat with me on a bench to have a drink.
She started to tell me about her old family, she has mentioned them before but only in passing, it seems being in the park reminded her.

In her old family she wasn't called Suzy, she had five sisters and two brothers, one of her brothers was called Gio.
Her mummy had yellow hair and her daddy's hair was dark brown.
One day they all went to the park and Suzy fell asleep so her old family left her there.
When she woke up she was sad, she played alone for a while and then she met Eileen (her sister from this family). Suzy followed Eileen home and so got her new mummy & daddy.
Suzy is not fostered she is DD2's daughter.


Athene said...

That is brilliant! And also quite touching.

Anonymous said...

I think she may follow her Grandma when she is older and become a writer of short stories.

God bless her, don't you just the imagination children have.

Marie x

Cathy said...

A little bit more creative than the invisible friend a lot of littlies have.
Has she mentioned her previous family to her regular family or are you the only one she lets in on the secret?

Hard up Hester said...

She talks about her old family a lot to her current family.

Cheryl said...

Can't image leaving my child but have been blessed to not have to make that choice.

Dog Lover said...

Maybe memories from a previous life

50 and counting said...

My son told me when he was little about his brother watching him play and how he would like certain of his toys.

My son had a twin who didn't live. He had never been told about his lost sibling and was an only child at the time.

That left me spooked. We all hear about the twins bond.

Margie from Toronto said...

My nephew - aged 4 - started telling people about his sister who was in mommy's tummy and would be arriving soon. My sister had only just started to suspect that she might be pregnant again and hadn't said anything to anyone as yet. And he was quite confident that it was a sister (it was) - we were all a bit spooked!

Hard up Hester said...

I go with memories of a previous life Fiona, but then I'm sure I can still remember how I died a previous time. Nowadays my memory would be ascribed to too much TV, but I was born in 1951 and we didn't have a TV at home for most of my childhood.

50, that is spooky.

I think children have a knowledge that we don't yet understand Margie

JA said...

My son is 45 now but when he was little he told stories of a previous life. It kinda makes you believe in an after life and reincarnation doesn't it? It gives me some comfort now that I am in my mid 70's. I choose to believe.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Re your comment on my blog today Hester - where in Lincolnshire were you born?

susan said...

How wonderful that you can be with her to listen carefully to her stories of another family. Maybe some children can actually recall a past life.....when my husband was small, he used to talk about 'when I went to sea' but there was nobody in a very busy family to pay close attention or follow up on his stories.

Anonymous said...

When I was small I used to tell my Mum stories of ' the Olden Days, when I was a grown-up'.


Lisa said...

My younger daughter used to tell me about her old family and her old name when she was little. I do believe in reincarnation though, everything gets recycled at some point and I think souls do too.

Oh what joy!

Today Steve has watched the rugby and checked his blood pressure repeatedly. He is doing my head in! He gets very excited watching the rugby...