Wednesday, 21 November 2018


CHS and went out for a meal yesterday, he was determined to take me out as it was my birthday.

It's the first time since his stroke that we have been out in the evening.

He's managing the supermarket now, we go to a small supermarket that runs purple Tuesday's so the shop is quieter. 

He does tend to stop dead every so often, oblivious to the people behind him and I have to steer him to one side.

We've been out for coffee and also to a small local church run cafe.

But yesterday we went to a pub, I booked an early table and we only had one course. He managed fairly well but was a bit unsteady when we left. No he wasn't drunk, he had orange juice and lemonade.


Anonymous said...

Sorry for the belated best wishes.

That sounds good: hope you enjoyed it.


Sheila said...

Belated Happy Birthday.
So nice to know that you managed to go out and celebrate.

Jeannieuk said...

Happy Belated Birthday, your meal out was literally a step in the right direction. May your man improve in leaps and bounds (hhmmm maybe not the best phrase I could have used...) x

kate steeper said...

it does get easier chuck...promise

Dc said...

Good to have got out. I’m sure his balance will get better with time.

ShellyC said...

Baby steps, it's not a race. Sounds like progress is good. Happy Birthday.

Carol Caldwell said...

Belated Happy Birthday. Glad you managed to get out. As others have said it's one step at a time but going in the right direction.

Lyssa Medana said...

Happy Birthday.

Glad to hear that CHS is getting better. But he has you on his and and if he is willing to try stuff then he is more than half way there.

Sending hugs and good vibes x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...