Monday, 19 November 2018

Chilly day

It's chilly here today so I've topped the stove right up.
We've walked around the marina once already, the occupational therapist is due at one, she will walk him round the marina and get him to practise moving the gangplank.  I will walk him around again after she has gone.
Apart from that I will change the bedding, read my book and do some knitting.
Salmon and new potatoes tonight.
My days are as boring as my blog!


Col said...

Have you given any consideration to moving back to dry land, or are you both determined to stay afloat?
I really admire the way you moved to the boat, I'd never be able to do it, I'm far too fond of luxury, unlimited hot water, big freezer, loads of space etc!

Elaine said...

I hope the book is a good one. It doesn't sound dull, it sounds cosy, perfect for a cold day.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

It doesn't matter whether its boring or not (by the way it isn't). You need to keep writing this stuff down its a way of coping when things are far from good. We are hear to listen and provide help if and when we can.

Heather said...

It may be boring at the moment but it won't be like that forever and you have to be thankful you still have your captain hot stuff as things could of been very different. Heather

Anonymous said...

This won't go on forever, and you could never be called boring Hester.

I was thinking what a relief you had given up work when this happened, it could have been a completely different situation and your Cpt Hot Stuff might have had to stay in a rehabilitation centre and he would have been really grumpy then.

Look after yourself whilst looking after CHS

Ree x

Theresa Y said...

There can be beauty and comfort on "boring". Relax and enjoy yourself and each other.

justjill said...

Boring you aint.

Jean said...

I don't find it boring. It's just life and you are getting on with it. It's helpful to read about other people. I enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

You're never boring.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...