Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Oh the Irony

Today the nurse came to explain the healthy eating regime for those who have had a stroke, basically if CHS likes it he cannot have it!

The nurse is so overweight she struggled to fit in to the seats on the boat!!


justjill said...

People who live in glass houses.....

Anonymous said...

Yes, ironically, it can be very difficult for health workers to eat healthily. They are subject to all the same downfalls the rest of us are, plus their work schedules tend not to support good nutrition or exercise. Doesn't mean she doesn't know her stuff and it can help.

Col said...

At least she'll have an idea about how hard it can to eat healthily, better that than a skinny kid who has never had to try to be a healthy weight!
Hope CHS continues to improve well.

50 and counting said...

Hester, I'm a chubby nurse.

I packed on close to 60 pounds during my time working days and nights. You just can't eat well or exercise on the rotations I have worked. You flip from days to nights then back to days. My last three months of shiftwork, I was a zombie.

Having said that, It's taken me a year to drop roughly 10 pounds.

We know our stuff but it's hard to want to eat salad when your lunch is at 0330 and you are waking up at 2100.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs. CHS is lucky because you have a lot of skills and can at least make him something tasty from the diet sheet. Hope all is back on an even keel soon. LM x

Eilidh said...

What about trying to make it taste better with herbs & spices? Just a thought. Maybe low fat curries? Or are they too salty? Not easy.

Being careful.

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