That's what I need to do. Thank you for all your comments. There are many people a lot worse off than me.
I'm even more grumpy than usual at the moment, the days are dismal and we are crammed in between two boats that block the natural light.
CHS isn't well today, reaction to the nightmare hospital trip I think.
I promised in my wedding vows to give CHS my strength when his failed and I will honour that vow along with all the others.
No let it all out. Life can be tough. I’d be grumpy with your current lot. Things will improve. This is your place after all. Emma x
You're only human - you'd have to be a saint not to get grumpy at all - feel free to rant away whenever :) x
We all get fed up at times and the weather doesn't help. Why can't it be sunny everyday.
Hazel c uk
Go ahead and have a moan whenever you need it - if anyone deserves it you do!
My husband has been diagnosed as having Alzheimers Disease. It's very sad, I'm losing the man I've known for over 40 years. The future looks grim ....
You are not complaining, you are venting..everyone needs a place to let loose and then get on with life....
Chin up..we are on your side and hope your husband is slowly on the mend every day. Life is tough..we all need friends to go to for support.
Recognising that there are others worse off is one thing, but it doesn't mean that you don't have the right to let off a little steam now and then. I am filled with admiration for the way you just get right on and cope. My best wishes to you and CHS.
its always darkest before the dawn....ask for help xxxx Tessa
My oldest has a 'high-powered' job in central London, and has recently had to rent a tiny crash pad. I suggested to him that he buy a boat instead, but I'm now wondering if he would enjoy the life on water.
You're not alone Hester; we all have our down times. It's just a matter of finding what activity copes with them the best (for me it's walking the dog in the woods). Best wishes to your husband. Cro x
It's the time of the year. I chuffin hate this last few weeks leading up to the 'C' word. Try and avoid going to town, stretching the food so I don't have to go out and buy any, staying indoors in the doom and gloom of rainy and overcast days.
I have booked a sewing workshop to do on Sunday, hopefully that will be a pleasant experience.
Chin up, roll on the 1st of January, the start of a brand new year.
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