Monday, 5 November 2018

Rinse and repeat

Still lots of therapists visiting, also some of CHS'S friends and family have visited.

I'm pushing for psychotherapy as well as I know depression will hit him soon, we are also a few days from the anniversary of his mother's death.

One benefit of moving on to the boat was that it stopped contact with his stepfather, who does nothing but try to pit one brother against the other.

I spent a couple of days dealing with a flare up of my diverticulitis but I thinks it's fading now.

I'm knitting a shrug, it's called the Celtic Knot shrug by The Wool Shop Leeds. It's a fairly straightforward pattern but I'm not much of a knitter. Most of it is supposed to be moss stitch but I keep losing count so bits of my version are in rib. I'm using a navy and purple yarn so the mistakes don't show much and anyway I don't care, it's giving something to do.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Sorry to hear you are having such a tough time all round. I do hope things improve soon.

Jeannieuk said...

Hang in there, we’re all giving you virtual support. Your shrug will be fine - if anyone is close enough to study it in detail they are either super critical or want to cozy up to you! Hugs xx

justjill said...

Hard work, hope the shrug is therapy. Think positive. He's back.

Chris said...

"When life throws you lemons, make lemonade". Sorry, it's not an original quote but I hope it gives you a laugh!

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth you're in my thoughts.


Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs - it is tough and the brain has had such a shake up that a little support would be a great idea.

btw, I didn't realise that the website was still going! I live quite near their old shop. I looked up that shrug and it looks impossible!

Sending more hugs. LM x


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.